4 Reasons to Consider Manscaping

An online poll conducted by Cosmopolitan in 2017 found that a whopping 92 percent of respondents participated in some level of manscaping.
The majority of respondents to the same poll reported they had never asked their partner to change grooming habits. What does this indicate? Perhaps that even if your partner isn’t making a formal request, they also wouldn’t mind if you changed your grooming habits. Aside from the purported aesthetics, here are some additional reasons to consider manscaping.
1. Manscaping doesn’t have to be all or nothing
Manscaping means different things to different people. Some light weed-whacking below the equator could be all the manscaping necessary for some men. Others, however, may favor going the route of Steve Carell in “The 40-Year-Old Virgin”: a comprehensive (if painful) wax.
The point is, you can adjust the amount of manscaping to your preferences, whether you want to get rid of every hair on your body or just do a little trimming. Everyone stands to benefit from a little extra grooming effort no matter how extensive.
2. Look your best & feel better, too
If you’ve ever dealt with depression or tend to fall into the occasional funk, you likely know that personal hygiene can be one of the first things to suffer during mental and emotional struggles. And while hygiene usually isn’t the cause of said struggles, neglecting it probably won’t make you feel better. You could actually feel worse. While it’s not a cure-all solution, there’s no doubt that putting effort into the way you present yourself can boost self-esteem.
Like the first strut down the street after you get a good haircut, you may feel more confident and comfortable after manscaping.
3. Manscaping can increase your confidence in bed
Many of us have undressed in front of a new partner for the first time and felt less than secure about revealing our body, right? If you or your partner prefer less unruly pubic hair in bed, you may find that manscaping helps you approach intimacy with more confidence.
4. You'll feel (and be) cleaner
When sweat builds up, bacteria living on your body attacks it—this is the process that causes body odor. So what? Well, your body has the most sweat glands where body hair grows, which means the more body hair you have, the more likely you are to develop body odor. So if you’re looking for a way to look and smell a bit cleaner, consider manscaping.
Ultimately, it’s important to remember that body hair is natural and nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has different preferences for how much or how little body hair they like to have. If you’re not sure which you prefer, give manscaping a try and see how you and your partner like it.