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The FDA Approves Anal Condoms

This seminal decision creates a path for other companies to market contraception for anal sex.

By Giddy Staff

There's No Such Thing as Being 'Too Wet' for Sex

How wet a woman gets during sex depends on a number of factors.

By Paisley Gilmour

Know What Can Interfere With Your Birth Control

No matter what contraceptive you use, there are factors that can complicate things.

By Austin Harvey

Keep Your Vagina Happy With High-Quality Lube

Certain products can irritate your lady parts, so it's good to know what you're buying.

By Risa Kerslake

TikTokers Are Using Lube As a Primer—Here's What Dermatologists Think

Lubricant can help makeup look smooth, but it's not the slickest idea.

By Ashley Broadwater