The Latest from Giddy

Pubic lice are unwelcome visitors but easily treatable when you know the facts.
Trichomoniasis can be symptomless, which makes awareness and routine screenings paramount.
Gonorrhea may show many symptoms, or none at all, so getting tested is key to your well-being.
The stigma left by the HIV/AIDS epidemic is almost as harmful as the disease. Let’s change that.
Swollen lymph nodes and testicles are signs, but does epididymitis go away on its own?
I never thought I would have cancer at age 33, especially not cancer caused by an STI.
New guidelines say adults up to 45 years old can get the HPV vaccine. But is it worth it?
More men than women get HPV, but their risk of cancers is less. It’s far from harmless, though.
One of the most devastating STDs is making a comeback, so get educated about syphilis’s stages.
Health pros advocate for disclosure from individuals who have HSV. Some sufferers disagree.