Diabetes can cause sexual struggles for men and women. Thankfully, a little knowledge can help.
If you're seeking to kindle the flames of passion, arousal gels offer a canvas for exploration.
Getting familiar with your erotic blueprint type will lead to better sexual satisfaction.
It's complicated—and it may be as much of a challenge physically as it is psychologically.
Whether you change your sheets or not, you'll be shocked at what's left behind after sex.

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Being tickled makes us laugh and lose control, and for some people, that's intensely arousing.
Virginity is a social construct we should probably have in our rear-view mirror by now.
When your body is constantly aroused but your mind is not, daily life can get tricky.
A connection can manifest in a multitude of ways. Exploring new avenues can renew closeness.
The number of seniors contracting sexually transmitted diseases is on the rise in the U.S.
It requires an unconventional approach to intimacy, but autistic people can certainly enjoy sex.
For people who have sensory processing disorder, intimacy and sex can be challenging.
It's possible to elicit an allergic reaction on your partner with basic skin-to-skin contact.
Choices you make—and some factors you can't control—may affect your semen production.
Is your partner—male or female—too quiet in bed?