There are many choices and factors to consider after you decide to terminate a pregnancy.
The legislation requires accommodation for pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions.
The 1864 law criminalizes all abortions except those necessary to save a pregnant person's life.
The justices' decision could restrict or protect abortion pill access for millions of Americans.
The Supreme Court expected to weigh in on the medication's legality.

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The new study indicates a link between abortion restrictions and rates of self-inflicted deaths.
The state Supreme Court strikes down the law as unconstitutional for violating privacy rights.
An FDA regulatory change allows retail pharmacies to register to dispense mifepristone.
Both require similar treatment, and some patients who miscarry are having trouble getting help.
Some drugs most commonly used to treat chronic conditions are being impacted by legal red tape.
For as long as we can remember, humans have wanted to get rid of unwanted pregnancies.
Despite recent legislation and judicial rulings, supportive resources are available.
While some people claim abortion can cause psychological harm, research indicates the opposite.
Your doctor doesn't need to know: Symptoms and treatment following either event are identical.
Here's what the legislation looks like where you live.