James Anderson

James Anderson is from Illinois but now resides in Southern California's Inland Empire. He has worked as an adjunct professor and has written freelance articles for a number of outlets. You can read and subscribe to his newsletter at

Evidence-based strategies addressing personal and structural factors can save lives.
Learning how to identify overlooked signals can reduce suffering and loss of life.
The anabolic sex hormone is involved in many bodily functions that are vital to men's health.
Elevated prostate-specific antigen test results can point to cancer, but not in every case.
IUI can be used to circumvent some of the male-factor fertility issues preventing pregnancy.
Verbal and nonverbal means demonstrate an affirming stance toward LGBTQIA+ identities.
The research suggests a correlation even if the mechanism is still under investigation.
With impressive accuracy, trained canines can sniff out all kinds of illnesses in humans.
Discharge and painful urination are symptoms of the inflammatory condition urethritis.
Kidney stones that travel down the ureter can cause excruciating pain. What's the solution?