The Latest from Giddy

PMDD refers to physical, mental and emotional symptoms one feels in the weeks before a period.
Excluding men and boys from our understanding of eating disorders poses pitfalls for treatment.
Relationships can be terrifying when you have social anxiety. Banish the fear and trust romance.
COVID-19 has put us all on edge. Can we ever get back to normal?
Flashbacks, guilt, fear and avoidance can all be signs telling you to seek a doctor's diagnosis.
Loving each other through recovery isn't easy, but hard work can make a relationship stronger.
Knowing when to seek treatment is essential to prevent depression from controlling your life.
If your past is weighing you and your sex life down, it's time to stop facing it alone.
Think you know it all about eating disorders? Don't be so sure.
The link may not be direct, but chronic stress can affect your menstrual cycle. Find out how.