The Latest from Giddy

Learn about 6 flowering herbs that might give your reproductive well-being a boost.
This biological process can be responsible for a number of irregularities in the body.
People with PMDD can suffer from severe anxiety, depression and more with every period.
Hormonal fluctuations can impact your mood during your menstrual cycle.
Frequent, painful cramping during your period? There are treatment options.
Experts discuss the pros and cons of organic tampons and why you might want to make the swap.
It sounds like a type of German schnitzel and looks like a typo—but it's something much worse.
Due to potential bacterial growth, this feminine hygiene product does have a shelf life.
Don't let bloating ruin your plans for that little black dress. Here’s how to help find relief.
Menstruating more than once every 28 days is less than fun (and due to many causes).