Consider this information when you weigh the options for hormone replacement therapy.
Starting estrogen replacement when menopause symptoms begin could help protect women's brains.
Here's how to get your hormones tested at home—and if home tests actually work.
Some women develop depression or anxiety during the change. Here's how to help.
PMS may intensify around perimenopause and due to lifestyle changes.

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Opinions on the procedure are split, and recent research may have had some flaws.
Forgetfulness and other cognitive difficulties during menopause are common, but there is hope.
Experts weigh in on this unregulated hormone treatment option.
Here is the need-to-know information about your heart health during and after menopause.
Sudden shifts in emotion are a frustrating side effect of a new life stage. Here’s how to deal.
Entering the wiser years? You get to define your sexual life as you grow older.
Some simple lifestyle and medical remedies can help alleviate uncomfortable menopause symptoms.
When menopause slashes your estrogen production, the body responds with challenging effects.
Part of staying healthy and active as you age means taking control of your bone health.
Vaginal dryness doesn't have to spell the end of your sex life.