Diet and Nutrition

The Latest from Giddy

Does pineapple induce labor or cause miscarriage? Find out if you can give in to your cravings.
The effects of vino on women's bodies increase as they age. Can you offset bloating's effects?
Signs you may be getting too much or not enough of this essential nutrient.
These safe and effective drugs are used to treat mild GI problems, but use them responsibly.
How can something so sweet cause sexual dysfunction?
We've heard the alleged benefits of this time-restrictive diet. Are they too good to be true?
Out-of-whack hormones can affect anyone. Physical activity and nutrition are keys to balance.
Author Valter Longo, Ph.D., offers dietary advice for long-term health, including sexual health.
There's no magic formula for a better diet. It takes commitment and a little education.
When you shed pounds without sacrificing health, the rewards are bountiful.