Cervical Cancer | Symptoms and Diagnosis

Most cases are caused by HPV, but a small risk exists for people who aren't sexually active.

If a Pap test reveals abnormal cells, you may undergo a loop electrosurgical excision procedure.

Cervical biopsies can be intimidating, but they're very common and usually painless.

Learn how to spot these two common types of gynecologic cancer.

Follow these tips to reduce stress after learning about your condition.

No one can prepare for a cancer diagnosis, but there are ways to manage your emotions.

Feeling anxiety over a cervical biopsy? Knowing what to expect can help assuage your worries.

An abnormal Pap smear can require further testing via a colposcopy. Here's how you can be ready.

Early-stage cervical cancer often shows no symptoms, making preventive health checkups key.

Don’t be intimidated by your first Pap smear. It’s an important part of reproductive health.

Women should know how to approach follow-up tests when their Pap smear comes back abnormal.

A vital cancer-screening tool, Pap smears should be a routine part of your health regimen.

Recommendations have changed, but Pap smear tests are integral in screening for cervical cancer.

Pap smear results can affect the next steps for your health and well-being. Know what they mean.