The Latest from Giddy

It could be months or it could be years, so here's a rough idea of what you might expect.
Researchers say the increase is slight and should not impact your use of contraceptives.
There's some evidence suggesting a tie between the two conditions, but more studies are needed.
Despite the misconceptions, this disease doesn't discriminate.
The contraceptive is effective, but does it pose risks? Experts say study results are mixed.
If you have a mutation passed down by a parent, you may have a higher chance of getting cancer.
Researchers hope an automated tool can remove barriers to diagnoses in developing countries.
An icon of the 1990s loses her battle, but the disease is not always a death sentence.
Patients can safely stop, and then resume, hormone therapy if they desire to get pregnant.
The 66-year-old tennis legend says she will 'fight with all I have.'