Typically a cosmetic treatment, Botox is also used to treat some sexual health conditions.
Early detection can increase your survival rate—so what symptoms should you watch for?
Vaginal tightness could be a warning sign of hypertonic pelvic floor.
Bacterial imbalance in the vagina may transmit to male partners and cause reinfection in women.
Feeling a lump in your vagina? Here's what to do next.

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Feeling nauseous and experiencing cramping? This penetration pitfall could be the issue.
Recurring infections can lead to complications with these organs near the vaginal opening.
While not always serious, this repeating labial cyst has impacted one woman's sexual confidence.
The FDA mandated new research on this controversial treatment after banning it in 2019.
Sexual dysfunction caused by clitoral phimosis is more common than you may think.
If you experience pain with vaginismus and penis-in-vagina sex, this could be your chance.
If penetration is painful, here's how you can make the experience less daunting.
Sjögren's syndrome can lead to decreased moisture and impaired health in women.
My vagina had a 'Do not enter' sign. Coming out eased the pain, physically and emotionally.
If you're set on an insertive menstrual product, make a game plan.