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From Puberty to Menopause, According to Two Worldviews

Eastern and Western perspectives on the menstrual cycle have some interesting differences.

By Rachel Crowe

Illuminating the Facts About Red Light Therapy for Sexual Health

RLT is touted as a way to improve vaginal dryness, and more, but the research is lacking.

By Kay Johnson

Hypnosis May Help Your Fertility Journey

Relaxation techniques could be the key to severing the link between stress and infertility.

By Kitti Palmai

Self-Hypnosis During Labor May Have Advantages

Advocates of hypnobirthing say the practice eases pregnancy-related fears, among other benefits.

By Kitti Palmai

Using Acupuncture for Ovarian Cancer Pain Management

The side effects of chemo can be harsh, but this alternative medicine may help.

By Austin Harvey