The Latest from Giddy

These positions may be a useful tool to turn to if your labor isn't going as planned.
Vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk of complications for the baby and mom.
Staying cool is the best way pregnant women can beat the heat during extreme conditions.
Pregnant women who eat chocolate may help lower preeclampsia risk—but there are caveats.
You've had a C-section, and now you're worried about endometriosis. Is there a link?
Ask good questions, provide good information and be prepared for several examinations.
It feels real, but before you drive to the hospital, ensure it’s not a false labor.
Lose a nipple? Sweat blue while pregnant? Misinformation is rampant on social media.
Make sure you're getting the nutrients you and your growing baby need.
If you run into trouble when trying to deliver your baby, a vacuum extractor may help.