Rachel Crowe

Rachel Crowe is a Denver-based comedian, screenwriter and freelance sexual health journalist. Follow her at @racheddar on Twitter or @thelma_and_disease on Instagram.

Unlike chickenpox, people don't become immune to STDs after getting sick once.
Learning the meaning of comphet might lead you to asking yourself some tough questions.
You don't have to scrap your relationship, but you will need personal accountability.
Magnetic resonance imaging can serve as a second line of defense to diagnose these conditions.
Your love life will be different, just like everything else in this new stage of life.
At-home test kits give basic information, but lab tests are better when fertility matters.
Phytoestrogens are both hailed and hated, but the reality is largely ambivalent.
Osteoporosis and its precursor, osteopenia, can seriously impact skeletal structure.
Scientists argue over the G-spot's existence. The rest of us are just having a good time.
Fetal ovaries hold millions of follicles, but that number rapidly declines even before birth.