Madeleine Williams, MPH
Madeleine Williams

Madeleine Williams, MPH is an MD candidate passionate about health, nutrition, fitness and climate change.

Women who want more comfort can take a literal weight off their shoulders with breast reduction.
Learn key information on changing the appearance of your downstairs bits.
It’s already getting you through your day. Can coffee get you through sex, as well?
It’s no secret that alcohol makes it hard to get hard, but why, and what can you do about it?
Chronic pain impacts more than 1.5 billion people and can cause harm to a healthy sex life.
The term "coke dick" was coined to describe the condition of coke-induced ED.
Find out how to counter the difficulties serious intestinal issues can cause to your sex life.
You’ve had surgery to improve your health—great! Now, when can you get back to having sex?
Recognize the roadblocks to orgasms and learn the potential solutions to getting off.