Jennifer Post
Jennifer Post

Jennifer Post is passionate about writing, whether it's writing recipes, reporting business news, or informing people about health and wellness. A 2012 graduate of Rowan University's School of Journalism, Jennifer has written for publications like Business News Daily, How it Works, Fundera, and The Motley Fool. When she's not working, Jenn will be practicing her new embroidery hobby, reading historical fiction, or rearranging furniture all around her house to achieve the perfect vibe. Jenn loves all things true crime, but her favorite show is Parks and Rec.

The two conditions seem unrelated, but evidence suggests they might be intertwined.
A recently enacted law offers free health checkups for newborns and families following birth.
Working out is also great for your health and confidence.
It's OK to miss being single when you're partnered up. And vice versa!
Your craving is about much more than just being deprived of physical contact.
The once-routine procedures used to be standard practice in childbirth.
You're not a failure if you don't climax. There are much more important qualities to consider.
Finding someone special is difficult enough, let alone trying to date when your ways are set.
These little worms can be a big annoyance, but they don't have to be a big deal.
In an instant, everything changes. Learning to cope is the only way forward.