James Anderson

James Anderson is from Illinois but now resides in Southern California's Inland Empire. He has worked as an adjunct professor and has written freelance articles for a number of outlets. You can read and subscribe to his newsletter at

The pharmaceutical industry and HIV/AIDS activism influence the FDA approval process.
If the disease comes back, your treatment might depend on the initial therapy.
Overcoming the guilt and shame associated with ED can improve more than just intimacy.
Downsides to androgen use far outweigh the positives, unless you're a fan of liver damage.
Overcoming ED—or even just trying to treat it—has value not limited to an invigorated sex life.
Complicated notions about what it means to be a man can make separation tougher to handle.
The Bonobo apes have completely integrated GG rubbing and intercourse into their everyday lives.
Blemishes and white bumps might pop up down under, but most conditions are benign.
Are you interested in boosting your cerebral power? There might be an app for that.
Malignancies treated sooner rather than later can spare the patient a potential penectomy.