David Hopper
David Hopper

David comes from a writing and reporting background. He earned a master's degree in journalism from the University of Mississippi. After working at several newspapers, David was an editor of a boxing website for five years. In addition to writing for Giddy, the Austin resident writes about music for In his spare time, his favorite thing to do is play basketball. 

A blockage in the abdominal aorta limits blood flow to the legs and another important body part.
Urethra repair isn't any guy's dream, but this procedure is a long-term fix.
The causes of ED often differ between older and younger guys, but the effects are the same.
Men who want kids should know that getting their tobacco fix could be the same as getting fixed.
A well-known culprit in poor diets, excessive salt can also directly affect erections.
Studies indicate an indirect but important relationship between gum disease and ED.
A lump is the most common indicator—self-exams help—but be aware of other signs of the disease.
Kick the cancer sticks or risk erectile dysfunction.
Evidence is growing that men with erectile difficulty can benefit from the meditative practice.
Gels, injections, pellets, patches: Doctors weigh in on the best treatments for hypogonadism.