The best sex isn’t just physical—it also comes from the mind.
Improve your mood with nutrition essentials for mental health.
ASD presents in many ways, making it difficult—not impossible—to diagnose, especially in adults.
Exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle, but work out too much and it can become unhealthy.
Here's what you need to know about this eating disorder (that's actually a sensory disorder).

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More than art for art's sake, it's simple, expressive and might help your anxiety or depression.
Need a mood boost? Psychology experts suggest trying these five things to make yourself smile.
When society keeps piling on dietary rules and restrictions, a mind can cave to the pressure.
Home visits and technology could help more people manage sexual wellness and mental health.
Psychological manipulation is as insidious as it is harmful, but there are ways to recognize it.
In reality, the movement obeys U.S. beauty standards, and self-love is often one size fits all.
Treating mental health is hard enough, but assembling the best medical team can be overwhelming.
You've taken the most important step and sought a professional. When will it start to help?
Despite identical symptoms, Black patients often receive higher doses than white counterparts.
Don't waste it—your day off might be just what the doctor ordered.