How to Keep Your Sperm Count High

High sperm count is generally an indicator of sexual health and virility, but more goes into keeping those little guys happy than just being able to produce a lot of them. Your sperm count is a reflection of your diet, physical activity and testosterone levels.
Perhaps you’ve had your sperm count measured by a doctor before and want to improve it, or maybe you’re just curious. Here’s what goes into the evaluation and how to boost your count:
How sperm counts are evaluated
Sperm counts are evaluated using three main factors: motility (how well the sperm can travel to fertilize an egg), quality (the shape and health of your sperm) and quantity (the concentration of sperm produced by your ejaculation).
The pH value and liquidity of your sperm are also taken into consideration.
Eat better
You are what you eat. The old adage holds true, even in regard to your reproductive health. Some foods have an effect on hormone regulation within the body, including some that can provide a boost to the hormones that help your testes produce sperm. You may see improvements in your sperm count if you do three important things:
Switch to fish
Fish contains healthy fats in the form of omega-3s, which can boost your sperm count. Fish is often touted as a healthier alternative to red meat. Consider switching out the burger for some grilled salmon or tilapia the next time you’re planning dinner.
Eat more veggies and fruit
The University of Chicago Medicine cites a study of 250 men at a fertility clinic that indicated notably higher sperm counts in the men who ate high concentrations of fruits and vegetables compared to those who didn’t.
Avoid these foods
Don’t eat highly processed items like junk food, or high-fat dairy items such as ice cream, butter and whole cow’s milk.
Lifestyle changes
If you’re a smoker, be aware that tobacco products can cause mutations and lower sperm counts in men. Other factors that can reduce your sperm count include recreational drug use, high amounts of stress and conditions such as diabetes.
A man can boost his sperm count in a number of ways. One of the best ways to increase sperm motility, quantity and quality is to get active. Moderate exercise is a catalyst for testosterone production in men. For best results, focus on exercises that build leg muscles—running, lifting, cycling—because research indicates that working the large muscle groups in our legs can reduce stress and increase testosterone. That increase in testosterone will fuel healthier and more bountiful sperm production.
A high sperm count may not exactly give you bragging rights, but maintaining a high count can indicate better overall health. Regardless of whether you just want to optimize your sexual health, or you and your partner are trying to conceive, following a dietary regimen combined with physical exercise can be conducive to boosting your fertility.
Remember to avoid highly processed foods, eliminate tobacco use and replace at least some of the red meat in your diet with fish. If you do all that, your sperm will love you.