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Yes, Marijuana Is Stronger Now, but It's Also Safer

Despite decades of demonization, weed is turning over a new leaf in America.

By Austin Harvey

Let's Talk Low Sperm Count—and Its Risk Factors

Gamete concentration can be negatively affected by a number of lifestyle facets.

By Austin Harvey

Study Implicates E-Cigarette Use in ED

Smoking has long been tied to erectile issues. Think vaping alleviates that risk? Think again.

By David Hopper

When Trying to Conceive, Men and Women Should Just Say No to Marijuana

Research results are conflicting, but doctors warn weed won't do you any fertility favors.

By Risa Kerslake

Examining the Primary Causes of Male Infertility

Most individual fertility issues can be assessed and treated, but some cases are 'unexplained.'

By Chaunie Brusie, RN, BSN