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Bare and Bold: Embracing Nudism

My experience of getting naked in public wasn't easy, but accepting your body has benefits.

By Niki Davis-Fainbloom

The Societal Misconceptions That Impact Our Sex Lives

These misguided beliefs around intimacy can lead to unfulfilling sexual relationships.

By Steph Auteri

Inside the World of Erotic Fan Fiction

Drabbles, longshots, smut, OTPs, fandoms—oh, my!

By Meg Walters

Affirmative Psychotherapy Helps Patients Find Truth

Verbal and nonverbal means demonstrate an affirming stance toward LGBTQIA+ identities.

By James Anderson

My Painful Experience as an Asexual Person Visiting the Gynecologist

Nobody deserves to be disrespected by a medical provider. Some doctors need further education.

By Casey Clark