Can You Get Sick From Licking Someone’s Anus?

Gone are the days of ignoring the anus as a source of sexual pleasure. But when it comes to oral stimulation, some still shy away from a rimjob for fear of filth. This, to some extent, is understandable. Whether giving or receiving, it can be difficult to relax if you’re hyperaware of what’s happening—or has happened—back there. But is this really a necessary concern? Could you die from licking someone's anus?
The truth is, yes. You can get sick from anal-oral contact. The intimacy of getting up in there brings with it the potential for cozying up to the viruses, bacteria and parasites that can reside in the rectum. Thankfully, there are simple and effective ways to lessen that risk so you can relax, enjoy and stay healthy.
Licking someone's anus: Can it be healthy or will it make you sick?
Unfortunately, in terms of salad-tossing, romaine lettuce is not the lone delivery vehicle for bacteria. E. coli and salmonella, among other organisms, can be transmitted via ass-to-mouth activity, which can be dangerous and seriously upset the stomach.
Tanginika Cuascud, clinical sexologist and sexual health educator, said that doesn’t make rimming any dirtier than the myriad ways we come into contact with germs in our daily lives.
“It’s important to keep in mind that these infections are also passed on when people don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom and these pathogens come into contact with food,” she said.
Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to ensure good hygiene for safer sexual activity.
Keeping your anal area clean
Unless scat is your thing, cleanliness is next to godliness here. One way to ensure your protection plan is absolutely airtight is to use a dental dam, which will also protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Barrier or not, some prep work will make for a smoother experience. If you’ve got the time, douche. This will ensure you’ve flushed out your system and can ultimately give you peace of mind that surprises aren’t likely to pop up—or out. If you’d rather not douche, at the very least, take some extra time to wash your bum before getting intimate. For a quick spot clean, wet wipes can be a savior.
And if you’re the giver, don’t be afraid to let your partner know that hygiene is a priority for you before hitting the sheets. Cleanliness might require extra attention if either one of you are of the hairy variety or have cheeks like a vice grip. If this is the case, consider steering foreplay to the shower so there’s no doubt that your workspace is fresh and ready.
Talk it out
A rimjob gone awry can humble even the boldest of sexual explorers. This can (mostly) be avoided through clear communication. If you’re not in the mood to receive, speak up before the wheels are in motion—especially if the reason is stomach-related, Cuascud said. If there’s a churning occurring, it’s best to rain-check the anal play.
Similarly, ask your partner before diving in. And there’s no shame in discussing preferences before getting physical. Establishing trust is a healthy habit in any sexual interaction that throws open the gates to pleasure.
Find out what feels good for both you and your partner, make sure it’s squeaky clean, then go for it.