Emily Blaire

Emily Blaire is a tiny little writer girl based in Madrid. Her work covers topics like sex and dating,humor and satire, personal essays, and other things that disappoint her parents. Say nice things to her on Twitter at @chekhovsblunt.

What is roleplay if not sexy improvisation? Use your ad-lib skills to create erotic thrills.
If your kinks are must-haves, you need to address them early with new partners.
Sex stops for nothing, not even a pandemic. But you can be smart about it.
With so much focus on breast cancer in women, too many cisgender men aren’t aware of the risks
There’s no reason for sex to be routine or boring. Perhaps all you need is a new direction.
Looking to break up the monotony of…well, everything? Try this beginner’s guide to kink.
The 'cancer gene' might be new to your knowledge base, but learning more about it can only help.