Chaunie Brusie, RN, BSN
Chaunie Brusie
HPV causes more than 60 percent of cases—and most sexually active people have had it.
Numerous stressors can negatively affect male fertility, so don't let the virus be another one.
In development for more than a decade, the technology gives pathologists a helping hand.
While this disease is uncommon, it's also dangerous, so early detection is key to beating it.
Yes, 'the snip' involves a sexual organ, but that doesn't mean it will impact sexual function.
Cancer isn't the only form of prostate disease, and women can help their partner spot problems.
For some men, genetics can help guide treatment options—and predict risk for family members.
High-intensity focused ultrasound is a noninvasive, radiation-free option for low-grade cases.
Any cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, but don't allow misinformation to make it worse.
Yes, getting rid of the disease is primary, but keep an eye toward life after treatment.