Anastasia Climan
Anastasia Climan

Anastasia is a dietitian with over ten years of experience in public health and medical writing. You can find her work on various websites, including Livestrong, Healthfully, Verywell, Greatist, Giddy, GoodCell, and MyHealthTeams.

Depression can affect your body as much as your brain, so treat all aspects of the disorder.
Understanding the causes of uterine prolapse can help you avoid this common condition.
With a bit of creativity and courage, you can find new paths to reaching your full potential.
You have plenty of options (and many pros and cons) to consider for testosterone treatment.
In vitro fertilization makes multiples more likely, although not as often as in the recent past.
Taking care of your baby and taking care of yourself don't have to be mutually exclusive goals.
There are a number of things both partners should keep track of when trying to get pregnant.
How much control do we have over the factors that determine fertility?
Most of the time, they're nothing to worry about, but stay prepared regardless.
Anticipate what's in store for this momentous step of the in vitro fertilization process.