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Why Do My Balls Hang So Low?

They can be temperamental, but lower hanging balls are often nothing to worry about.

By Jake Hall

Hope for Infertile Couples: Microsurgical Testicular Sperm Extraction

The procedure retrieves sperm directly from the testes tissue of men with azoospermia.

By David Hopper

Prescription Drugs and Links to Male Infertility

Certain medications—even ones given to you by your doctor—can negatively impact sperm health.

By David Hopper

More Than Skin Deep: Psoriasis Could Affect Male Fertility

Inflammation in the genital tract can cause testosterone deficiency and a low sperm count.

By Bonnie Azoulay Elmann

Posthumous Sperm Retrieval: Is It Ethical and How Does It Work?

Death is not the end. Up to 36 hours after a man dies, his sperm can still produce children.

By Reniel Anca