Shannon Jordan
Shannon Jordan

Shannon Jordan is a freelance writer and editor, with particular interests in physical and emotional wellness and social justice. She has four children through birth and adoption, along with a pup, three cats, and a lapful of foster kittens.

She has a biology degree from UNC-Chapel Hill and a midwifery license from New Mexico. In alternate universes, she is an infectious disease specialist, photographer for Nat Geo, midwife, marine biologist, herbalist and whatever allows her to pet a tiger. But in this universe, she is happy to be a writer.

A new study shows the unique challenges it posed to new moms.
Data shows race plays a role in America’s climbing maternal mortality rate. How do we stop it?
Caught early, bladder cancer is highly treatable. But other factors may affect your fertility.
Once you’ve had time to process the news yourself, you’ll need to decide who to tell.
Your age, lifestyle and treatment plan will guide which of these options are best for you.
When a diagnosis turns your life upside down, you need all the comfort you can bring in.