Kate Daniel
Kate Daniel

Kate Daniel is a freelance writer and journalist from the Pacific Northwest specializing in health and wellness and travel. She was previously a reporter for Whidbey News Group, where she received four regional awards for her work. 

The inflammatory disease affects a quarter of U.S. adults and is a leading cause of disability.
Heart health has a lot more bearing on erectile function than your choice of boxers or briefs.
Recent evidence may be the final nail in the coffin to the long-hypothesized connection.
The genetic condition can impact menstruation, fertility and more.
Though less discussed than gut health, your rectal community is as important for sexual health.
Impacting way more than your waistline, these pervasive chemicals can affect your sexual health.
Chemicals found in everyday items could put your baby's health at risk.
Tobacco products are linked to numerous issues, from ED to Peyronie's and infertility.
You can implement these dating experts' techniques if you can't afford to hire one.
From the garter toss to bridesmaids' attire, ceremonial customs have changed over the years.