Coralle Skye
Coralle Skye

Coralle is a UK-based freelance writer with a passion for women's health, relationships, and sustainability. Her work has been featured in Giddy, The Date Mix and her personal blog,

The practice of transferring flora may have benefits, but the risks might be too high.
Is it safe to take the Plan B pill, aka levonorgestrel, while breastfeeding a baby?
Breasts can get bigger with age, so don't be surprised if you go up several cup sizes.
A red tinge in pee, poop or semen likely signals a benign issue, but it's worth a check up.
Experts weigh in on what you need to know to battle a swollen vagina.
This endometriosis symptom can cause severe discomfort, but there are ways to tackle it.
The side effects of stopping birth control do not include triggering autoimmune diseases.
Dermatologists discuss dry skin and how to treat it.
Wearing vaginal fluid as perfume isn't new but it's having a resurgence, thanks to influencers.
Often more affordable, minimal stimulation in vitro fertilization might be a good alternative.