Rachel Crowe

Rachel Crowe is a Denver-based comedian, screenwriter and freelance sexual health journalist. Follow her at @racheddar on Twitter or @thelma_and_disease on Instagram.

The oral counterpart to genital chlamydia is every bit as dangerous, just lesser-known.
An easily overlooked nutritional deficiency can seriously starve the brain.
Yes, trauma in regard to food is real and often stems from childhood experiences.
Straight couples have a responsibility to treat their third wheels with respect.
Prevent or safely handle an asymptomatic infection with a bit of health management.
After the momentous victory of marriage equality, are same-sex couples prepared to break up?
A positive pregnancy test for non-fertile women is rare but could signal a serious condition.
It's rare but not impossible to have an adverse reaction to your partner's ejaculate.
The right prophylactic for you is much more complicated than whether it uses animal products.
If it's not a "Hell, yes," it's a no.