Tips on Improving the Female Libido

Each individual comes to the bedroom with a libido level that’s as unique as a fingerprint. Some people seem born with an unending desire to get it on, while others are OK with occasional sex or, in some cases, none at all.
What impacts libido
There’s no one right libido level: Any level is good as long as you’re comfortable with it. But if you want a different libido level than the one you currently have, there are a few ways to influence it.
Influences on libido include psychological factors such as stress, depression or mania.
The state of one’s relationship can also raise or lower libido, but you shouldn’t automatically blame yourself for your partner’s sex drive. Many factors are involved, including physiological ones such as testosterone level, illness, age, side effects of certain prescription medications, sleep and sleep apnea, issues caused by using drugs or alcohol, pregnancy and a person’s exercise level.
Treatment for libido
If you want to tweak your libido, start with a visit to your doctor. Yes, it can be difficult to discuss sexual health with a medical professional, but know two details: First, they’ve heard it all, and second, they’re in the business of helping people optimize every aspect of their well-being. That includes their sex life.
Physicians can identify and address underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, endocrine or blood pressure problems, and testosterone levels, taking into account that testosterone levels for men peak in their teen years and slowly decline afterward. They can also pinpoint lifestyle issues that decrease libido—excessive alcohol consumption, high stress or inadequate sleep—and any medications you’re taking that are known to suppress sex drive.
For some women, supplements may help address a lack of desire for sexual activity. Giddy Health Libido Boost vitamins can help you maintain a normal, healthy sex life. These supplements use EFSA-described transparent ingredients with formulations and dosages backed by science and research. The clinically proven ingredients include Panax Ginseng and Ashwagandha, which can enhance sexual arousal and satisfaction, including in women who report a diminished libido for physical or psychological reasons.
And let's be clear: Sex is psychological as well as physiological. Addressing cognitive, emotional and relational obstacles to the sexual drive you desire can be transformational. Counseling is worth exploring if you have difficult personal issues or conflicts in a primary relationship. A professional counselor might help you reveal psychological contributions to decreased libido that you didn’t even know were there.
Luckily, you can address your libido through these actions if you’re unhappy with its current level. Your sex life might change with circumstances and age, but you can still find drive and satisfaction.