Madeleine Williams, MPH
Madeleine Williams

Madeleine Williams, MPH is an MD candidate passionate about health, nutrition, fitness and climate change.

Tobacco can cause negative impacts on many aspects of your health—even erectile dysfunction.
Enjoy your veggies but don't want to give up meat entirely? Try flexitarianism.
If you have a loved one with GAD, offering relief can improve life for both of you.
Eating dairy-free doesn't have to hurt—your favorite snacks and meals are still within reach.
You can still maximize your chances of getting pregnant after the age of 35.
You already have all the mental tools needed to calm a panic attack—just be ready to use them.
While some think bisexuality is made up, science says an attraction to both genders is very real
Here’s what happens when it’s time to remove or replace your IUD.
As many individuals struggle with mental health issues, a range of treatments offer hope.
The much-touted benefits of the HIIT workout may not outweigh the risks. Proceed with caution.