Jason Crosby
Jason Crosby
The best sex isn’t just physical—it also comes from the mind.
It’s uncommon and not widely known, but yes, POIS exists; you can get sick after ejaculation.
Taking a few minutes to conduct a self-exam of your testicles could be a lifesaving decision.
The bacterial infection prostatitis is common and highly treatable with lifestyle changes.
You should discuss PEVR with your doctor, especially if there’s an underlying condition.
It’s difficult to detect, but if a varicocele goes unnoticed, serious consequences can occur.
Your semen quality could be an indicator of your overall health, for better or worse.
There’s much to consider before getting a vasectomy. Here are the things you need to know.
A healthy sperm count points to good overall health, so keep your count high with these tips.
It’s all fun and games, until the post-shave itch begins. Here’s how to avoid it.