Edgary Rodríguez R.
Edgary Rodríguez R.

Edgary Rodríguez R. is a Latina journalist with experience in the audiovisual and writing fields. She writes about health, culture, politics, human rights, travel, environment, fiction and more.

You're eager to see the new baby but remember to respect the parents' wishes.
Don't worry, those little rhythmic jumps in your womb are totally normal and safe.
Your breasts will thank you for following these expert suggestions.
If you are expecting twins or more, you need to cover a higher metabolic demand.
Find out what to expect when inducing lactation.
Your identity inevitably changes with motherhood, so how do you retain your sense of self?
A trip to the dentist is never fun, but your growing baby may be impacting your oral health.
Discussing health concerns and lifestyle adjustments before getting pregnant is critical.
The social and cultural trends of wearing very tight clothes could be damaging your body.