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Top-rated doctors & specialists
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95% patient satisfaction

Top-rated online doctors & specialists available now.
Private consultation, screening, diagnosis, and treatment for STIs and STDs from a dedicated specialist
In-person or video from $29
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Birth control
Birth control and contraception consultation including discussion of options, prescriptions, and refills
In-person or video from $29
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Mental health
Assessment of difficulties, condition, and a personalized treatment plan from a mental health professional
In-person or video from $29
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Low Libido
Consultation and assessment of low-libido issues, personalized treatment plan, and prescriptions if needed
In-person or video from $29
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Consultation, diagnosis, treatment plan, and prescription if needed from a licensed sexual health specialist
In-person or video from $29
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Personal menopause consultation, assessment, treatment, and prescription from a dedicated sexual health provider
In-person or video from $29
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Private consultation, screening, diagnosis, and UTI treatment and relief from a top-rated, licensed specialist
In-person or video from $29
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yeast infection
Diagnosis, treatment, and prescription medications called into your local pharmacy by a licensed physician
In-person or video from $29
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One-on-one fertility and family planning consultation, evaluation, and treatment from a dedicated fertility expert
In-person or video from $29
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