The Latest from Giddy

The new 2024 mammogram guidelines could help improve breast cancer survival rates.
What happens when you have high blood sugar, especially if you’re hyperglycemic and pregnant?
When your sexual health begins to droop, it may finally be time to see an allergist.
Toxic chemicals called PFAS in your workout and outdoor gear can lead to serious health issues.
Here's what you really need to know about trich, a common sexually transmitted infection.
Most STDs and STIs are curable if caught early, and if not, they can be managed with treatment.
Your depression hasn't improved and you've been referred to a psychiatrist. What now?
No set cholesterol level requires medication. Diagnosis and treatment are individual.
Asthma impacts almost every aspect of your life. Asthma and sex? Yes, they're connected.
Sexual health can suffer from BED, too, so getting help is vital. Be aware of the risks.