The Latest from Giddy

What happens when you have high blood sugar, especially if you’re hyperglycemic and pregnant?
When your sexual health begins to droop, it may finally be time to see an allergist.
No set cholesterol level requires medication. Diagnosis and treatment are individual.
Asthma impacts almost every aspect of your life. Asthma and sex? Yes, they're connected.
Find out the many ways psoriasis can appear, including the different plaque types.
Irritable bowel syndrome has no single known cause and is categorized in four ways.
If you have this condition, get diagnosed. Don't find out what happens to untreated psoriasis.
One-third of our lives are spent asleep—it's preparation for the other two-thirds.
Psoriasis can be managed with attention to diet and lifestyle, as well as with medical support.
The cause of Crohn's disease is unknown, and it can’t be cured. Find out more.