Toxic chemicals called PFAS in your workout and outdoor gear can lead to serious health issues.
Extreme stress, a sedentary lifestyle and autoimmune disease all contribute to hypothyroidism.
An underactive thyroid can be caused by several factors and lead to negative health outcomes.
Don't let hypothyroidism get you down. Take control of your health today.
Symptoms of the conditions mimic each other, so it may be difficult to distinguish between them.
Symptoms of the conditions mimic each other, so it may be difficult to distinguish between them.
What is an overactive thyroid and how can it affect your life?
You have many ways to stop an overactive thyroid from affecting your everyday life.
What's behind an overactive thyroid and how do you distinguish it from something else?
Your fertility problems, ED and other issues in bed may be the result of an overactive thyroid.
Hypothyroidism can decrease libido and is associated with erectile dysfunction.
Hypothyroidism can decrease libido and is associated with erectile dysfunction.
Both hypo- and hyperthyroidism are associated with ED, but treatment is available.
Both hypo- and hyperthyroidism are associated with ED, but treatment is available.
Both hyper- and hypothyroidism can affect men's sexual function. The good news: treatment helps.
Issues with this critical gland often mimic other diseases, making it difficult to diagnose.