The emotional film is a dive into youth culture and the stigma surrounding the word 'no.'
The emotional film is a dive into youth culture and the stigma surrounding the word 'no.'
The emotional film is a dive into youth culture and the stigma surrounding the word 'no.'
This sexual health roadmap helps you discover your wants and goals in the bedroom.
Experts say some schools fall short in meeting survivors' needs. Here's how they can do better.
Trauma leaves imprints on our sexuality, but they don't have to be permanent.
U.S. officials are warning of a rise in online blackmail scams targeting young men.
Undergrad sex weeks invite convos about consent, kink and partnerships.
Every nine seconds, a woman is assaulted. Each day, three women are murdered by their partners.
Nonphysical intimidation is the most common and least reported form of sexual violence.
But this may be a good sign, indicating more people are willing to report occurrences.
Learn how to define and communicate your boundaries to protect yourself on campus.
Despite social stigmas, male rape victims need to share their experiences and symptoms.
Sexual safety in bed can be enhanced through good vocabulary and safe words..
Sexual safety in bed can be enhanced through good vocabulary and safe words..
Author Laura McGuire explains how parents can teach their children about boundaries and rights.
After being sexually assaulted, I struggled to focus. But treatment options are available.
There's much more to feeling safe during sex than condoms and birth control.
Giving and receiving sexual permission is a skill that needs to be learned and developed.
The free love movement didn't die out in the '60s, and neither did intentional communities.
Daily activities and model behaviors can help children establish boundaries.
Would you accept an invitation? If so, go in with your eyes open and play to your strengths.
Forced sex occurs everywhere and doesn't discriminate across nations, societies or genders.
Your loved one may not be as cognitively present, but they still know what they want.
The actress explains the abuse she endured in an upcoming documentary.
Helping people feel safe and comfortable while they explore sexual interests is crucial.
Being subjected to public masturbation can have lasting effects.
Cyber-flashing may give you a momentary thrill, but it's not worth the cost.
Children should understand sexual consent long before they understand sex.
If it's not a "Hell, yes," it's a no.
From STI disclosure to kink friendliness, the queer community holds a wealth of knowledge.
From STI disclosure to kink friendliness, the queer community holds a wealth of knowledge.
From dim lighting to messy backgrounds and a lack of consent, these are the pitfalls to avoid.
In addition to using protection, many other practices are necessary to maintain safety in bed.
Consent and risk-awareness are sexy practices that bring greater pleasure to everyone.
Use some tried-and-true tips to get the most out of BDSM negotiations—and what follows.
Sexting that special photo is a sincere expression of your love today. But what about tomorrow?
Dating online opens the world for potential partners, but strangers are strangers. Stay safe.
States are trying to make intentionally slipping off or damaging your condom a criminal offense.