The Latest from Giddy

Feeling anxiety over a cervical biopsy? Knowing what to expect can help assuage your worries.
The answer may surprise—and free—you. Here are the do's and don'ts of not wearing underwear.
Sex toys boost pleasure, but they can also cause infection. Here's how to be safe.
Keep the skin on your bikini line smooth and irritation-free with easy-to-implement pointers.
Make personal choice the foundation of your hygiene regimen—not ancient myths or current trends.
Two experts weigh in on all your noisy vag concerns.
Whether for sustainability, reliability or long-term wear, there's a period product available.
Cycling is great for maintaining an active life—but daily rides may impact your sex life.
Some UTI symptoms may fly under the radar, but missing the clues can have consequences.
If uneven vaginal pH leads to bacterial vaginosis, you should know how to respond.