Implants are an option for men with erectile dysfunction, but largely as a final option.
ED can be stressful, but the condition is treatable with help from a doctor.
The minimally invasive operation may improve your overall well-being and sex life.
Erectile dysfunction caused by arterial problems has a treatment more associated with the heart.

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Overcoming the guilt and shame associated with ED can improve more than just intimacy.
Your sex life isn't necessarily over just because you're being treated for hypertension.
Verbal and nonverbal means demonstrate an affirming stance toward LGBTQIA+ identities.
This treatment may be helpful for men struggling with ED due to psychological reasons.
A relatively simple vascular procedure ended a man's 30-year struggle with erectile dysfunction.
Platelet-rich plasma regenerative cell therapy shows promise for erectile dysfunction.
Even if your partner doesn't leave you over erectile dysfunction, get it checked out anyway.
Erectile dysfunction fixes aren't one-size-fits-all. Most TV and online 'cures' are.
Vitamin B12 shots may improve well-being, but erectile benefits are trickier to assess.
As an essential component of erections, NO can be a big yes in avoiding ED.