Women's Grooming and Hygiene | The Basics

The grooming products you use are probably damaging the environment—there are better options.

These painful bumps are rarely serious, but in some cases, you should seek medical attention.

Pimples on your face and back are common, but they'll also pop up where you least expect them.

Giving birth is a miraculous experience, but how it leaves your skin isn't quite so special.

The common 'chicken skin' condition is stubborn, but it's treatable.

When you're trying to eliminate intimate odor, you may need to eliminate the suds.

Does what you eat and drink really make a difference in intimate odor? Not so much.

The way you remove pubic hair can vary significantly in price, pain and effectiveness.

They’re common, they’re annoying, but they can be a thing of the past.

There can be a fine line between pleasing your partner and compromising who you are.

Everybody poops, but do you commit these common wiping mistakes when cleaning up?

Drinking water and knowing how to wash your face are not enough for flawless skin.

You might feel far from fresh during menstruation, but here's how to turn that around.

It may be time to spruce up areas you've been neglecting during the pandemic—just not this one.

What you do after sex can make a world of difference in protecting your health.

With so many choices in grooming practices and products, it helps to review what’s essential.

Make personal choice the foundation of your hygiene regimen—not ancient myths or current trends.

Sex, diet, exercise, stress, genetics and medications can all affect a person's body odor.

The trick to shopping for intimate hygiene and pleasure products: Keep it simple.

Keeping everything clean and fresh down there is actually pretty simple.