The Latest from Giddy

Men diagnosed with MS may have complications with erections and orgasms.
Stimulating the anus, vagina and clitoris in combination can take pleasure to the next level.
Remember, it's about their fantasies, not yours.
Learning the meaning of comphet might lead you to asking yourself some tough questions.
A couple of cups of Joe a day may improve your health, but do they make you a better lover?
What the experts have to say about the impact of a yeast infection on your sex life.
Emerging science points to more and more positive effects of essential oils.
Urologist Kelly Casperson tells women (and their partners) how to live their best sex lives.
Sleep disruptions that fight the natural cycle of light and dark can lead to ED and low-T.
Therapist and author Ian Kerner talks 'sex scripts' and intimacy therapy.