The Latest from Giddy

Mononucleosis is a tale of infection heard 3 million times in the U.S. every year.
Inflammatory bowel disease not only changes your life but your libido, too.
Orgasms, sensual touch and intimate connections play roles in a vibrant love life and longevity.
Before the internet, there was 'dial-a-porn,' erotic chat lines that generated big business.
Does co-sleeping with your baby ruin your sex life?
Antidepressants famously impact sex drive, but discontinuation comes with its own problems.
Take the guesswork out of the fine art of oral.
My experience of getting naked in public wasn't easy, but accepting your body has benefits.
Thigh jobs have a surprisingly long history, and plenty of popularity in the present.
Creativity doesn't have to take a back seat to pleasure.