The Latest from Giddy

The color and consistency of your semen can clue you in on certain health issues.
The ball is in your court when it comes to finding relief from this kind of genital pain.
Years of sexual experience don't make you immune to this common issue in the bedroom.
Penile dysmorphic disorder is real, and so are its potential effects on your sex life.
Just like other parts of the body, your genitals can benefit from antioxidant-rich foods.
Addressing the symptoms of this scrotum condition is simple enough, even if you can't avoid it.
A decrease in semen volume can be caused by many factors, as well as indicate other troubles.
Ground Control to Major Tom, do your penis and testicles float in zero gravity?
Here's how to talk with your healthcare provider about the swelling in your scrotum.
Lots of penises have a curve, slight or significant, but when is it worth considering surgery?