The Latest from Giddy

After diabetes rendered standard ED fixes moot, I found a new sex life with an implant.
A curve, either left or right, that looks like it could cause an issue may need treatment.
Here's what you should know if you're thinking of reversing 'the snip': It doesn't always work.
The infection in your urethra could be caused by a bacterium that experts are still studying.
You expect it to affect nerves in your feet and legs, but your testicles? Yep, there, too.
No matter the size of your penis, you can still spark fireworks in the bedroom.
Not lasting long enough can have emotional and relationship consequences. Get answers.
Here's what's going to happen to your genitals as you get older, and it's not a pretty picture.
Whether you're a grower or shower depends on several factors, including genetics and age.
How much do you know about the process that factors heavily into male fertility?