Kurtis Bright
Kurtis Bright

Kurtis is a graduate of CU - Boulder who writes about health, fitness, music, theater, and travel while living by the sea in Chile.

What you think you know about Peyronie’s and late-onset penile curvature might be wrong.
Times and people change. The gentlemanly thing to do is to keep up.
Whether an old hand or a new practitioner, you can always learn more about masturbation.
Giving birth to a baby with hypospadias causes new circumcision considerations.
Whether you’re planning to have a family now or later, here’s what to know about healthy sperm.
Caring for an uncircumcised penis requires diligence, but some simple steps can make it easier.
One of the most devastating STDs is making a comeback, so get educated about syphilis’s stages.
Learn how chlamydia is related to erectile dysfunction, and what you can do to protect yourself.
From everyday stress to chronic disorders, your anxiety has a direct impact on your erection.
Here's how to avoid the dreaded death-grip masturbation syndrome.